RYT 350hr Yoga Teacher
I’m Jo, a RYT-350hr yoga teacher based in London and Surrey who has practiced, studied and loved yoga for a number of years and have taught over 3,000+ hours of classes.
I have always had a passion for movement and now as a dedicated practitioner and a full-time yoga teacher, I have developed my knowledge and taught over 3,000+ hours of classes. Throughout the years, I have become deeply drawn to the ancient wisdom and meditation that is entwined within the practice and the positive effects it has on the mind and body.
Having studied various forms of yoga and collected the corresponding certificates, the primary style of yoga I teach is Vinyasa & Dynamic Flow, Power Yoga, Rocket and Mandala.
My teaching style is vibrant, fun and dynamic with challenging options and playful inversions to help recharge the mind and purify the body. I truly believe yoga is for everyone and I hope to help enhance the lives of others by creating mind & body awareness and alignment through a creative, dynamic flow practice infused with positive psychology.
I believe it’s important that when we practice yoga we let go of judgment, we release those expectations and pressures we tend to put on ourselves and we just move with the breath and kindness.
Ultimately it’s your yoga, your journey.
So please stick around, have a browse, check out my latest class schedules (online and studio), workshops and retreats and I hope to see you on the mat soon!
No Mud, No Lotus.
Big Love,
Jo x